首页 > 产品库 > 仪器仪表 > 计量标准器具 > 北京汇成益通科贸有限公司 > 出售国产 Catphan 500/508 国产 CT性能测试模体

出售国产 Catphan 500/508 国产 CT性能测试模体
关于出售国产 Catphan 500/508 国产 CT性能测试模体信息的二维码


  • ¥: 35000.00元/
  • 起订量:5
  • 可售数量: 10000
  • 支持批量采购
  • 发布时间:2019-05-11 20:55

产地:北京 | 归属行业:计量标准器具


联系人: 周永华



商铺网址: http://hcyt2019.okhy.cn/

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  • 供货总量:10000
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货
  • 所在地:北京

品牌:模体实验室型号:Catphan 500/508测量对象:CT成像性能测量范围:CT 的成像性能检测准确度:1加工定制:非加工定制外形尺寸:150×250mm重量:5kgarea class="lazyLoad">

美国The Phantom Laboratory   Catphan 500 CT性能测试模体已得到全球知名CT生产公司的认同,都用它来标示CT机的成像性能。该模体较依据AAPM 1977年1号报告生产加工的注水模体有很多优点:因是固体模体,没有漏水的问题;储运箱能当模体支架,模体能探出扫描床外;低对比度分辨力模体由同一种物质不同密度材料制成等。


















•patient alignment system check

•low contrast sensitivity

•comparative subslice and supra-slice low contrast sensitivity

•spatial uniformity

•scan incrementation

•noise (precision) of CT systems

•circular symmetry

•sensitometry (linearity)

•pixel (matrix) size

•point spread function and modulation transfer function (MTF) for the x, y, and z axes

Catphan® 700(Stock CTP700) - Complete Catphan® including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:

CTP682 - Geometry sensitometry and point source module

CTP714 - 30 line pair high resolution module

CTP515 - Subslice and supra-slice low contrast

CTP721 - Wave insert

CTP723 - Bead blocks

CTP712 - Uniformity section


 Catphan 600®(Stock CTP600) - Complete Catphan® including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:


CTP404 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size

CTP591 - Bead Geometry module

CTP528 - 21 line pair high reslution and point source

CTP515 - Subslice and supra-slice low contrast

CTP486 - Solid image uniformity module


Catphan® 500(Stock CTP500) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:


CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size

CTP528 - 21 line pair high resolution and point source

CTP515 - Subslice and supra-slice low contrast

CTP486 - Solid image uniformity module


Catphan® 412(Stock CTP412) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:


CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size


 CTP445 - MTF module with bead point source

CTP446 - 20 line pair high resolution

CTP263 - Low contrast

CTP486 - Solid image uniformity module


Catphan® 424(Stock CTP424) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:


CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size

CTP445 - MTF module with bead point source

CTP446 - 20 line pair high resolution

CTP263 - Low contrast

CTP422 - Liquid bath


Catphan® 440(Stock CTP440) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:


CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size

CTP592 - Low and high contrast resolution module


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立即询价 ¥35000.00元/


以上所展示的出售国产 Catphan 500/508 国产 CT性能测试模体供应信息由北京汇成益通科贸有限公司自行提供,出售国产 Catphan 500/508 国产 CT性能测试模体信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业北京汇成益通科贸有限公司负责,本网站不承担任何责任。本网站不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由您自行协商解决。